Bosa loans
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Development Loan
- Repayment period shall be 1 to 84 months.
- Members are entitled to 4 times savings.
- No supporting documents required.
- No collateral security required.
- Loans approved on monthly basis on first come first served basis.
School Fee Loan
Granted for the purpose of paying school fees.
- No supporting documents.
- Repayment period is 1 to 24 months.
- Members are entitled to 4 times savings.

Emergency Loan
Granted for any unforeseeable circumstances beyond the members control.
- No supporting document required.
- Repayment period 1 to 24 months.
- Members are entitled to 4 times savings.
Karibu Loan
- For new members to enhance settlement.
- Maximum Ksh.100,000
- Repayment period 1to 18 months.
- Applicable to salaried members only.
- Must be fully guaranteed